Sunday, February 14, 2010

Assignment 5

Wickipedia is the most unreliable website to get information from! I have been aware for several years now that anyone has the ability to change the sites definition of a word or phrase to basically suite their own personal opinions. However, we as users of wickipedia also have the ability to look up and find out exactly who has edited the websites information. Ever since I can remember I have always been instructed to NOT use wickipedia for any type of research or even for personal use. The information on this website is not as legitimate as people previously thought and many still are not aware of this. Therefore, if you hear of someone using wickipedia please be curtious and pass the information on them.

"What I've Learned This Year" by Mr. McClung:

Mr. McClung has done a excellent job with giving tips to future educators. I agree with just about everything he said, but one of my favorite lines was when he said that lessons should be student centered, not teacher centered. I'm sure we have all had a bad teacher at one time or another and maybe some of us do right now. We all know that it's not any fun and now that we are a bit older I would say that alot of that bad teaching could be chalked up to lessons not being student center but teaher centered. It takes more time to have a student centered lesson plan apposed to a teacher centered lesson, but if you want your students to learn then your going to have to exccept the fact that it takes time and most of all patience.

The Teacher Desk Website:

Technology becomes a tool for shcool and life in general more and more everyday. I believe 100% that blogging and podcasting should be integrated into all classrooms. It takes limitations off of a student. With podcasting and blogging a student can really express themselves and that's the way it should be. Putting technology of this calliber in classrooms will not only keep your students interested but it will also encourage them to learn.


  1. What a great blog! I enjoyed reading your post on how teachers need to put forth the extra effort to make their lessons student centered. I completely agree. As far as Wikipedia goes, I agree with you on this issue as well. Like you, I will not be using Wikipedia for research any time in the near future. Good posts, very concise, clear, and to the point!

  2. You make a great point about taking the information you gain and passing in on to others. The Wiki warning you advocate is exactly what we need to do with our gained knowledge. Pass it on!

  3. Hey May,
    All your blogs are very informing. My teachers informed me that Wikipedia is not reliable source. When I was younger I thought the site was reliable since it was the first site that came up. My 10th grade Literature teacher quickly corrected me. Any site that will allow you to edit information is not reliable.
