Sunday, November 7, 2010

Post 11

Little Kids.... Big potential

Mrs. Cassidy's little kids from Moose Jaw, Canada most certainly do have big potential! They will be the graduation class of 2025. They are using blogs, wikis, webpages and Skype to further their learning. Not all children learn in the same manor or time span. Now that children have access to such tools they are no longer limited to relying on teachers who are only available monday-Friday. Children can now go home and take it upon themselves to learn material that they might have not understood they way they teacher taught it.
I can clearly remember being in elementary school and coming home with homework or projects that were do over the period of a weekend. The problem was I didn't always fully understand how to go about doing it. Thankfully I was lucky enough to have my father around when I needed help with that sort of stuff, but in this ever so modern world that we live in many parents don't have the time to help their children, or may not understand the subject matter themselves, so with that in mind technology can actually serve as a teacher. There's only one condition, and that is, the students must understand how to navigate a computer. Learning how to work with a computer is just as important as any other subject if not more due to the fact that with out it they may not be able to get help until after their homework is already late.
I think the approach Ms.Cassidy used to influence technology in her classroom was great. She let children be a big part of of it instead of just kind of throwing the information into their laps and expecting them to understand it. Mrs.Cassidy has incorporated blogging as part of her approach to introduce her students to technology. One reason I feel that at the children are so interested and more importantly stay interested in their work is because they get feedback from the people that matter to them the most like their parents and friends. We were all children at one point in time and as I can recall, when my parents had input on my work it pushed me to do the best I could. Children want and need to know people that the people closest to them care. Blogger makes this very easy


  1. May,
    Mrs. Cassidy's class is a great example of how we should approach teaching methods in our future classroom. Technology method would require students to be computer literate, but studies shows within minutes of the student using a computer they become knowledgeable of how to use it. I think Mrs.Cassidy's approach is genius and preparing students for the future and not the past. Great job on your post May!

  2. I agree about the feedback factor you discussed. Immediate feedback is so critical to learning and is missing as much as technology in many classrooms across the country. Getting feedback keeps students motivated and blogging has feedback built right-in. SS
