Sunday, May 2, 2010

Final Assignment

 ~Blogging:  Blogging has been a great experience.  This is something that I would defintely continue to use throughout college, as a teacher in the classroom as well as outside of class for personal use.  It truely is a wonderful tool.

~Twitter:  Twitter is a tool that I really do not care for.  It's extremely hard to grasp the whole concept of it.  I find that blogging is very useful, but twitter just seems pointless unless of course I have friends of there but even then I just assume to blog or use facebook.

~iTunes and iTunes U:  These are wonderful tools.  I have used iTunes for serveral years now, but as for iTunes U I am still new to it.  iTunes U is more great for podcasting.  It is also interconnect with colleges all over the world which is awesome because you can get to know what's going on around their campus and surrounding area.

~Comments4Kids:  Comments4kids was a really neat thing to do for everyone.  Problem more for the children apposed to us, but it was a really good idea for our assigments.  It almost gave us a taste of what it will be like to be a teacher.  I really appricated the teacher who made the comment to our class.  She said that instead of just telling their post was great, tell them to watch their punctuation, spelling or grammar. 

~Comments4Teachers:  Comments4Teachers was also a great idea for our assigments because we were able to hear about what they were doing in class or what they were having problems with in class and how to fix them.  Most of them were interresting and then some were not.  My first Comment4Teachers blog really didn't say much and I don't think that teacher posted a blog since last November.

~PLN:  Before this class I had no idea what a PLN was or what to use for one.  Dr. Strange has made sure that we know how to use the better tools on the web in order to enhance our future teaching skills and techniques.

~Google Docs:  Our class has unltimately revolved around google docs.  We have made presentations and a survey using google forms.  Everyone of our assigments is posted in google docs.  Google is very user friendly and it would be hard to switch away from it.  I have so many rss feeds on my igoogle homepage that it's not even funny, but I love it.  Everything is one click away. 

2.  To be honest I think I learned way more than I had expected in the beginning. 
3.  There really aren't anythings in this class that I didn't want to learn.  However, there is one tool I will probably never use again and that is twitter.
4.  I was really excited about learning how to use imovie even though that wasn't part of the class.  I am still excited about blogging.  I haven't set up a personal account yet, but as soon as finals are over that's top on my list.  I love it.
5.  One thing that was intellecutalling challegeing was podcasting.  I was weird at first, and then realized it's not much different than the radio. I like it, but probably wouldn't do much of it.  I do listen to them on iTunes.
6.  The information that we learned was not boring at all.  However I did find that being in the classroom did not do much for me.  I learned more from making phone calls to Dr. Strange and Mr. Tashbin.  The best part of this class was that Dr.Strange would post exactly how to do a certain task. 
7. There is noting that I would take away from the class and I do not feel that I'm over worked at all!
8.  I feel that I am at a low-medium level of being technologically enhanced.  I have learned alot and use alot but I know that their is still so much to learn.
9.  I have subscribed to PC magazine and have learned little things here and intend on creating my own personal blog and follow blogs about technology as well a education.


  1. Do learn iMovie! the tutorials on Apple's web site are excellent. But, like everything, it takes practice!

    I'll remove your first teacher in the comments4teachers list next semester.

    "However I did find that being in the classroom did not do much for me. I learned more from making phone calls to Dr. Strange and Mr. Tashbin." That's why we said contact us. Some students didn't think we meant it. we did!

    "The best part of this class was that Dr.Strange would post exactly how to do a certain task. " Wow! A lot of students vigorously disagree with this assessment.

    Good luck!

  2. May,

    Try and be available for your students in the future ... it makes a big difference.
